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Tinkers Construct

Tinkers Construct - Minecraft Mods

Tinkers' Construct is a highly popular Minecraft mod that is all about crafting and customizing tools in various unique ways. With this mod, you can modify your tools to create something completely new and personalized, and the best part is that these tools will never disappear. You can name and modify them as per your liking, and once created, they will be your companion forever. The mod offers an array of different materials that can be used to make your tools, allowing you to experiment with different combinations.

Getting started with Tinkers' Construct is quite simple; all you need are a few tables and a designated area to store your patterns. From there, you can begin to create and experiment with different tool combinations, modifying and upgrading them as you go along. Whether you're looking to craft the perfect sword for battle or a powerful pickaxe for mining, Tinkers' Construct offers endless possibilities for customization and creativity.

Be sure to put the pattern chest by the part builder, as you can access them together. Use the Stencil Table to craft the patterns, and craft tool parts from them using the Part Builder. The part builder also displays information about the material used.

Next step is the Tool Station, where  you build, modify, and repair tools like so.

The next step is to build a Smeltery, so you can process metals and use them for tool parts as well. All you need is some gravel, sand and clay.

You can even automate your Smeltery. There's some new friends included as well.

The mod also brings a few new things to the world, like these fellows here.

What changed since 1.7.10?

  • Materials changed, each material has unique traits
  • Some new materials
  • Part materials matter more. Some traits can only be obtained by using a material as a tool head
  • Part replacement
  • Tools with mutliple head materials can be repaired with all of them
  • Tinkers' Construct does not come with copper ore, tin ore, etc. anymore but instead supports them
  • More slime island fun
  • Single-Use Clay casts
  • Right clicking a drain with a bucket puts the liquid into the smeltery
  • Sharpening kits so you can have any harvest level desired
  • No more extra-modifiers
  • New modifiers: Soulbound (Nether Star) and Width/Height (Expander)
  • New improved GUIs
  • Slimesling and Slime boots


Q: Where did Copper, Tin, Aluminum,... go?

A: Tinkers' does not add any ore generation besides Cobalt and Ardite anymore. It does however support any mods that add them automatically.

Q: The Smeltery is missing!

A: Go to your config directory. There you'll find a TinkerModules.cfg. Enable the Smeltery there.

Q: Anything regarding old Minecraft versions>

A: Active development always focuses on the current version of Minecraft. There will be no backports to older/previous versions.

Q: Optifine crashes my game with Tinkers'!

A: Optifine changes how rendering works. If it crashes the game, there's nothing I can do about that. Tinkers' Construct does not use any special rendering.

v3.5.2.40 for Minecraft 1.18.2 - Forge

v3.3.4.335 for Minecraft 1.16.5 - Forge

v2.13.0.183 for Minecraft 1.12.2 - Forge

0.0 (0)
Category: Mods | 2022-09-22 10:46:13 | 367